Friday, March 23, 2012

A limit on how many times you get dumped

I am starting to think there is a limit to how many times a person can get dumped before they are damaged goods. I don't mean the booty calls and purely Physical connections... I mean the heart broken crying sobbing break ups that take months or years to recover from.

If you are only ever "left" you may start to think you will always be left and therefore lose confidence and trust, two things that are vital to successful relationships... Or so many experts claim.

I think for each break up you should try to balance it with an intentional dumping of someone else to keep you balanced and not desperate to hold on to someone. What do you think?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Those who leave and those who are left....

Watching Eat Pray Love and just thinking... I wonder why is it the leaver always has these profound insights while the one left is always wondering why... People who get dumped get perpetually dumped. Perhaps you can only be one or the other in life... The leaver or the left behind.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Realized why boys avoid condoms

My dad and I were working on the sprinkler system which involves priming and gluing pipe. My dad made me wear these plastic/latex gloves to protect my hands and keep them from becoming purple. Well after about 10 minutes I took off the gloves and my hands were dripping wet with sweat. This made me wonder is this the reason guys dislike condoms... Because Their penis sweats?

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