Wednesday, March 07, 2012

These are all actually pretty true...

I was surprised at how many of these little secrets actually seem pretty "true" because they apply to me.

They had another list about... is she a keeper... I thought I passed. Obviously I haven't met a guy that thinks I've passed.

Maybe I should start reading Men's health for tips on being the "right" kind of girl.

This made me happy.

Realization and Regret

Okay, so today's post is going to be a little depressing. I have enjoyed doing things again, things I like to do. However, in doing these things and reflecting on my life, I realized that I have made some decisions I will finally regret. I didn't have many regrets, if any until recently.

I guess the saddest realization I have had of late is that I won't have children. I don't want them anymore. I am not sure I every really did. I like the idea of kids, but am too selfish and jealous to really be a good mother. They are so much work.

I dog sat a for a friend this weekend, and the 6 month old puppy helped me realize that I don't want kids anymore. I am happy for the people having children, but the idea of being pregnant and never having a break from being responsible for another person is exhausting.

However,what is most sad is that realizing that the main reason my relationship ended was supposedly because I wanted kids and he didn't. However, it was probably more than that. In the end, I have to accept I wasn't "the one" for him.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Have you ever dated a girl who has... would you marry a girl who has...

I really wish I had some guys to weigh in on this. I have some very important questions to ask, mostly because I was asked a very curious question the other day, "have you ever dated a girl?"

Now the truth is, no... I have never dated a girl. I haven't really had the opportunity to. I do find a number of women extremely attractive. In fact, my girl crush list is longer and more solid than my list of male crushes. For example based purely on looks:

Girls: Katy Perry, Zoey Deschanel, J-lo, Kate Bekinsale, Amanda Bynes, Mila Kunis... etc.
Guys: Channing Tatum, Brad Pit, Ryan Reynolds are about it for pure physical attractiveness.

Now, I have "kissed" a girl, not a real kiss, but kiss on the lips... it is quite nice... girls have soft lips. However, it doesn't feel "complete" only like fun. My relationships with men in the past have been fantastic in many regards and fulfilling. I know I am not a lesbian, but it made me start to wonder if I need to be more careful with talking about my "girl crushes" since people may get the wrong idea about me.

This then got me to thinking... would a guy every "marry" a girl who had dated a girl? I know there are plenty of guys who love the idea of a girl with a girl and would definitely "date" a girl who had been with a girl... but would they every marry her? This made me think I have to be even more careful because I will give myself two strikes if I even want to try it.

1. I was once engaged - already a major red flag to guys may mean I never get married
2. I've kissed a girl - "date-able" but does that mean I am "unwed-able"

What do you think?

Ha... I really am realizing I am going to be single forever. Oh well, there is a lot of fun in this world to be had.

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