Monday, January 04, 2010

Silencing the country

I wanted to wait a few days to make sure I still felt the same way. It has been a couple of weeks since a senator was "silenced" thus "silencing" thousands of people in the nation. It has been a few days since a senator's vote was bought, and there was no public outrage from the other 59 states that will have to pick up the tab and pay for health care for one state. Even worse, no public outrage from the people who put those representatives in office who simply turned a blind eye and allowed it, going along with the "party" line instead of actually reading what they were signing and acknowledging the tit-for-tat that had to occur to get the ONE vote needed to pass without compromise so that it passed by more than one vote. That doesn't seem right to me. Doesn't it seem that there is something wrong with a piece of legislation when one person can hold an entire party hostage to get an "out?" And yet it seems no one cares. The headlines have been barely covering it.... no one seems to realize the underhandedness that is going on. I think a friend at work is right, there need to be term limits on senators and congressman. Our president has a term limit, so should they so instead of taking forever to go no where or worrying so much about being re-elected as opposed to actually doing a good job they can concentrate on making good decisions for our country.

I am really starting to think the government is too big brotherish now. I thought the point of the federal government was national security, primarily from outside entities. When did it become their job to determine every aspect of our lives? I think I have to read more on this whole tea part movement by the libertarians if only to support them so that there can be more diversity in the senate and congress so that "one vote" can't just be bought to get the job done. Maybe if we had three parties in congress and the senate it would actually require negotiation. Don't people realize it isn't about WINNING it is about doing what is right for everyone. Having some people not have to pay, entire states get to opt out, etc... that is not what we meant for congress to do. We meant for congress to come to a compromise where everyone gives in a little.

It is a scary time.

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